Comunicatul de presă emis azi de Platforma Memoriei și Conștiinței Europene referitor la participarea dlui Jean-Claude Junker la ceremoniile de comemorare a lui Karl Marx
Platform expresses regret that Mr Jean-Claude Juncker took part in ceremonies commemorating Karl Marx
Brussels / Prague, 7 May 2018. The European Union is founded on freedom, truth, human dignity and human rights. These values, along with many others, were violated by the Communist system, which was based on Marxist ideology. Therefore, the Platform of European Memory and Conscience wishes to express its regret that MrJean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, took part in ceremonies commemorating Karl Marx.
We cannot approve of such actions, since they are offensive to the memory of the millions of victims of Communism. The Communist ideology, rooted in Marx’s works, continues to kill and enslave people in many places in the world. This applies especially to China, the sponsor of the statue which was unveiled during the event Mr Juncker attended. We believe that the victims of Communism deserve an apology.
Click to access Press_release_07.05.2018.pdf
Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului și al Rezistenței este membru al Platformei.
Platform of European Memory and Conscience este o organizație internațională fondată în 2011 care reunește 57 instituţii şi organizaţii din 20 de state din Europa şi America de Nord, instituții care se ocupă de analiza critică și înțelegerea trecutului recent al Europei, precum și de omagierea victimelor regimurilor totalitare