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“History after the Fall”

posted in: History after the Fall
Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului şi al Rezistenţei a fost parte a proiectului internaţional “History after the Fall”, finanţat de Comisia Europeană prin programul “Cultura 2000”, proiect derulat între anii 2004-2008.
Partenerii Fundaţiei Academia Civică – Memorial Sighet în acest proiect internaţional au fost alte cinci instituții de cercetare specializate în istoria recentă a Europei Centrale și de Est:
Open Society Archives din Budapesta (coordonator al proiecului)
Hannah Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung eV din Dresda
Institutul de Istorie Contemporană din Praga
Karta din Varşovia
Institutul Român de Istorie Recentă din Bucureşti

culture2000logoEuropean Union Culture 2000: History After the Fall – The Interdeterminacy of the Short Twentieth Century (2004-2008)

In 2004, OSA Archivum received support from the European Union Culture 2000 program to run a three-year cooperative project entitled “History After the Fall – The Interdeterminacy of the Short Twentieth Century”. The complex project consisted in a series of seminars, workshops, and exhibitions. The participants focused, among other things, on the traditional and radical right of the inter-war years; the anti-Communist resistance movement; nationalism and the national question; foreign occupation; collaboration with repressive regimes; and poverty and welfare measures particularly as they relate to current public health policy.OSA Archivum carried out the project in cooperation with five research institutions specialized in the recent history of Central and Eastern Europe: the Romanian Institute for Recent History (Bucharest), the KARTA Center (Warsaw), the Institute of Contemporary History (Prague), the Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung e.V. (Dresden), Civic Academy Foundation (Bucharest). The EU support was complemented by a grant from the Hungarian cultural organizations Nemzeti Kulturális Alap (National Cultural Fund) and Nemzeti Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Hivatal (National Cultural Heritage Ministry).
