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Ghita Popp. The Unionist Generation, victim of the communist repression


Transylvanian politician and journalist, who studied Law in Vienna and Budapest.  In 1915, he was sentenced to hard labour by the Court Martial of Cluj because he had demanded the Bucharest Government to enter the war to liberate Transylvania and the Banat.  He enrolled in the Romanian Army and contributed to the formation of Romanian volunteer brigades among Austro-Hungarian Army prisoners of war in Russia.  He was a participant with voting rights at the Great Assembly of Alba Iulia.  Sent by the Ruling Council to Paris, as a journalist, attached to the Romanian Mission to the Peace Conference. Member of the Romanian Parliament in the inter-war period, then a delegate to Moscow, in August-September 1944, as part of the Armistice Commission.  He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in January 1948 for “armed insurrection”.  After completing his sentence, he was interned for a further five years under forced domicile in Lăteşti, Bărăgan.